As the Torah is instruction for us to live righteously, there are the positive ones, like the Shabbat (which even Yehovah and His angels observe in Heaven, and which humans are to observe on earth), His Feasts or His appointed times or in Hebrew Mo’edim, and last but not least, His law of clean and unclean meat. These laws for our righteous living are specially mentioned in Leviticus 11 and 23. Again, any transgressions of these positive laws are considered “sin” and sin will incur a penalty, the death penalty.
In the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), Israel became adulterous and was given a decree of divorce. Yehovah, who was the husband, cannot remarry her, and neither can the adulterous remarry another unless her husband dies (Deut 24). So, God, as Jesus, died and the veil was torn, the Old Covenant (the Marriage Covenant, the Torah) was made “obsolete” and a Renewed Covenant was established. It is now written in the hearts of His chosen Bride. This is the only difference between the old and the new covenant. God’s Torah is now written on our hearts instead of tablets of stones. The laws as such remain. They have not been made obsolete.
Have you not read that we are not under the law of sin and death but under grace? And this happened when you are saved through His grace. So, of now you are grafted on a good olive tree, do you still bear another type of fruit? That’s why you have the Renewed Covenant (the same Torah but with better promises) written in your heart and through this, you are willing to obey this Covenant with all your mind, soul, and strength. Have you understood James when he said that faith without works is dead faith? The Torah is not for your salvation for it can never be. You have been saved through Yehovah’s Grace and the Torah is written in your heart so that you can walk righteously, by bearing the right good fruits. The Torah is for your sanctification so that you can be holy as He is holy
To get a list of Bible verses that speak for keeping the Torah, please check out the article “Bible Verses for Keeping the Torah“. Or check out these other posts in the category Torah.