
Identity Crisis

There is a supernatural awakening happening in these last days! Christians around the world have been given a divine invitation from the Holy Spirit to come back to the roots of their faith. Like the prodigal son, God’s people are returning home to their Father, leaving behind the doctrines and denominations of man, and embracing their true identity! During the reign of Solomon, the nation of Israel was split into two kingdoms. Both of these kingdoms were exiled into the nations because of their disobedience, but only one—the southern Kingdom—maintained its identity and returned to the land. What happened to the Northern Kingdom? Where are the lost tribes? Now, with the advent of Christ, does it even matter? Has Israel been replaced by “the church?” Is God no longer the God of Israel? Finally, how do Gentile Believers fit into all of this? You might be surprised to discover just how relevant these pressing questions are to your own life. Join Pastor Jim Staley in this newly updated and extended teaching as he explores and unpacks one of the most incredible prophetic events in the Bible! The time is now for God’s people to connect to the true roots of their Christian faith and return home. Do you hear the call?

Please watch this video as it has been one of the most important videos that opened my eyes to this topic, realising where my roots as a believer come from. It started me off on the journey to discover my roots and led me out of the mainstream church. It’s a long video but it’s worth it. May it be a blessing to you too. Please do pray for discernment before you watch it.
