
Bible Verses for Keeping the Torah

Keep in mind, words like “law”, “ways”, “scripture”, or “God’s Word” all refer to the Torah. (If you are unsure what the Torah is, read this article “What is the Torah“.)


They are God’s instructions or teachings to guide us in living a set-apart life for God. Biblical understanding is that it brings joy,  delight, and goodness.


Here is a list of OT and NT Bible verses referencing how we are to keep God’s commands/instructions/Torah.


In the OT
  • Isaiah 2 – The Torah will be taught in the Millennial Kingdom (MK)
  • Isaiah 8:20 – Those against the Torah have no light in them
  • Isaiah 42:21 – God will exalt the Torah and make it honorable
  • Jeremiah 31:33 – The Torah will be on our hearts during the MK
  • Malachi 3:22 – Malachi, the last book of the OT. Why is there this reminder if it would be done away with?
  • Micah 4:2 – Nations will come to learn the Torah in the MK. It is taught then, so why would Paul do away with it now?
  • Zech. 14:16-19 – The Feast of Tabernacles will be kept in the MK
  • Zech. 14:16-19 – Speaks of the Feast of Booths (Tabernacles) being kept in the MK
  • Psalm 119 – David exalted the Torah
  • Proverbs 28:9 – When you use translations like TLV, CJB, or TS2009 you will see that if one turns away his ear from hearing the TORAH, even his prayer is an abomination.
  • Psalms 94:12 – We are blessed through the Torah’s teaching
  • Psalms 119:34 – We shall keep God’s laws and observe them with our whole hearts.
  • Psalms 119:77 – God’s law/Torah is our delight
  • Psalms 119:97 – Blessed are those who walk in the law/Torah of the Lord
  • Isaiah 42:21 – Magnify his law/Torah and make it glorious
In the NT
  • Matt. 4:4-10 – Why would Jesus use the Torah to rebuke Satan if He came to do away with it?
  • Matt. 5:17-19 – Those who teach against Torah will be least in the Kingdom of Heaven
  • Matt.7:12 – The Golden Rule is taken from the Torah
  • Matthew 7:21-23 – Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ >> Torah-lessness
  • Matt.9:20 – Jesus wore Tzitzit (tassels) as commanded in Num. 15:38, why would He obey if He came to do away with it?
  • Matt.22:36-40 – Jesus taught the greatest commandments from the Torah USING the Torah
  • Matthew 26:29 – We will celebrate the Passover in the MK. Passover is a feast commanded in the Torah. So if we are celebrating it again, why is it done away with?
  • Luke 4:16 – Jesus’ custom was to attend Synagogue on the Sabbath day not Sunday
  • Luke 6:3-9 – Jesus is Master of the Sabbath, this doesn’t mean He’s done away with it
  • Luke 10:26-28 – Jesus encouraged Torah observance by elevating the weightier commandments. Why would He do that if the Torah should not be taught anymore?
  • Luke 16:17 – It is easier for heaven & earth to pass away than for Torah to do so
  • Luke 24:27 – Jesus taught by using the Torah
  • John 5:46-47 For if you believed in Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?
  • John 7:19 – Jesus used the Torah to defend Himself
  • John 7:24 – Jesus taught to judge righteously, which is a law from Lev.19:15
  • John 7:49 – Jesus said those who do not know Torah are accursed
  • Acts 2 – The disciples celebrated Pentecost, which is one of God’s appointed feast commanded in the Torah.
  • Acts 13:14-15 – Paul went to Synagogue on Sabbath and kept going on Sabbath, not Sunday
  • Acts 13:39 – Paul taught the Torah and the Prophets in the synagogue. How is he AGAINST it?
  • Acts 15:21 – Moses’ law was still taught
  • Acts 21:24 – This is where Paul shows how serious he is by taking the Nazerite vow. Look into the meaning of this vow
  • Acts 24:14 – Paul defends himself by saying He’s believing everything laid down by the Law and written in the Prophets, which is the Torah
  • Romans 2:13 – Hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified.
  • Romans 3:31, 7:12, 7:22, 7:25 – Direct statements from Paul to uphold the Torah, it is holy, righteous and good, he delights in the Torah, he serves the law with his mind
  • Romans 7:7 – Paul explains the purpose of the law, which is to define sin. Why would he use the Torah if he came to teach against it?
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:2 – What are the instructions? Jesus instructs to observe what is taught out of Moses’ seat, which is the Torah
  • 1 Thess. 5:1-11 – Paul taught that those who don’t know the Feast Days are in darkness/blind; observing these feasts are commanded by God in the Torah
  • 1 Timothy 1:8 – the Torah is good, if one uses it lawfully, not for salvation
  • 1 John 3:4 – Definition of “Sin”: It is lawlessnes or Torah-lessness
  • 1 Cor.5:9-11, 6:9-10 – Paul taught on marriage and divorce using Torah (Deut.24)
  • 1 Corinthians 9:21 – Paul kept the Torah when ministering to those who didn’t have the Torah
  • 1 Corinthians 5:8 – why would Paul encourage to keep the Passover, commanded in the Torah?
  • Rev 12:17 – The woman is “Israel” and we are the offspring, if we are those who keep the Torah AND hold to the testimony of Yeshua.