
Welcome to Humble Disciple.

Humble Disciple is run by an individual, Tin Tran, and is foremost an online ministry on Instagram.  Please check it out on Instagram and give it a follow, if you haven’t already. This site is an extension of that ministry.

My purpose is to bring the truth to disciples of Jesus/Yeshua, who have been living their spiritual lives in false doctrines and lies, and to equip the body to live and practice God’s Word as it was initially intended.


Core Values
  • I believe the whole unchanging Word of God is for all in the faith, and applicable today.
  • I believe that we are to teach all nations to obey the Torah (Law of God).
  • I believe we are saved by grace through faith in the Word of God (Jesus/Yeshua).
  • I believe our Messiah (Jesus/Yeshua) taught the Torah and obeyed it perfectly. He came to teach against the man-made laws (Talmud) of the legalistic teachers but never taught against the Torah (God’s perfect laws)
  • I believe that our Messiah died for our sins on the cross.
  • I believe that Jesus/Yeshua came to die for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel and that Gentiles are grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel.


Many followers of Jesus/Yeshua have been following traditions of men, orginated from the Roman Catholic church, and over the past 2,000+ years have been learning and believing in lies and misinterpretations of God’s Word.


To unlearn the lies that you have grown up with as a Christian, you need to look into various topics. I’ve categorised them into the following (link takes you to posts in these categories):

  • Biblical vs. Unbiblical Feasts: What are God’s Appointed times (He gave us specific feats as appointments)? There are feasts and holidays that are biblical and there are those that were introduced by humans and are not biblical. This topic is important as many in mainstream Christianity celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter that have nothing to do with Scripture and God asked us to stay away from them, being set apart / holy.
  • Church History: The Protestant church evolved out of the Roman Catholic church, which was founded by Constantine and the early church fathers. The original church as in Acts  morphed over time into various denominations with their own doctrines, which are not Scriptural anymore. Understanding church history will allow you to see truth more clearly.
  • Identity of a follower of Yeshua / Jesus: Who is Yeshua’s bride? Who are the gentiles? This topic is not just about semantics but is crucial because many have lost their true identity in Christ. Understanding who Yeshua came to die for (no, He didn’t come to die for everyone), who He tried to reach and what it means to be grafted into Israel will put everything into the right perspective and context.
  • Misunderstood Bible verses: Many bible verses have been taken out of context and doctrines created and taught, passing on generations to generations. It is exactly like the saying ‘the blind leading the blind’. Please check out some of them in this category.
  • Sabbath: Many believers keep 9 of the 10 commandments but neglect to understand that the Sabbath is applicable to every believer, not only for the Jews or the Seventh Day Adventists. God commanded us to keep this day holy right after creation, before Israel was founded as a nation. You need to learn that true followers of Yeshua still need to keep it today.
  • Torah: What is the Torah? Is it still applicable today? When Yeshua spoke about keeping God’s commands, reading scripture, what did He actually mean (the New Testament would not be compiled for another 400 years).

Please go through my posts as I am hoping they will give you answers and clarity to the questions above.  Please remember, your spiritual walk is a life-long journey, which started when you confessed to believing in Yeshua as your Lord and Saviour.


May His Shalom be always with you,

